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Viktor Reznov was born on in Saint Petersburg, Russia (Renamed Petrograd in 1914 and Leningrad ten years later) and joined the Red Army sometime before the start of World War II According to Reznov, his father was a musician who during the Siege of Stalingrad played music by patriotic composers with his violin His music was a symbol of hope for his fellow countrymen,ユーリ・シモノフ タワーレコード 収録曲 ショパン即興曲 第4番 嬰ハ短調 作品66《幻想即興曲》 ポロネーズ 第6番変イ長調 作品53《英雄》See what レズノフ (bm17) has discovered on , the world's biggest collection of ideas Call Of Duty Black Ops Cod Bo のネタバレ解説 考察まとめ Renote リノート レズノフ